[RADIATOR] Accounting process dying

Jim jim at scusting.com
Thu Jan 27 09:48:40 CST 2011


We are running separate processes for Radius accounting and 
authentication, and each is running with 'FarmSize 4'.  For the 
accounting I'm seeing:

Thu Jan 27 15:04:57 2011: WARNING: Server farm process 31432 died, 
Thu Jan 27 15:04:57 2011: DEBUG: Forking server farm instance 1

The logfile for instance 1 at Trace 4 doesnt show any errors around this 
time, the last thing in the log was a SQL update at ('Thu Jan 27 
15:04:51 2011: DEBUG: do query is: 'UPDATE.....').  How can I see what 
is causing this process to die?  I suspect its related to the SQL 
updates in some way as the authentication process doesn't suffer this 
issue and doesn't log anything to SQL.

Is it possible to either include the process ID in the logfile name, or 
within the logging itself so that I can easily see where and when a 
process has stopped and what the last accounting action was?



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