[RADIATOR] Upgrade to 4.6 caused me problems

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at archred.com
Fri Sep 17 10:02:40 CDT 2010

On 09/17/2010 05:43 PM, Jethro R Binks wrote:

> With reference to the problem I observed when upgrading to 4.6, where 
> special character %N (ref: "The NAS-IP-Address in the current request (if 
> any)") is printed "raw"
>> Mon Apr 26 00:03:26 2010 OK client=tambala.net.strath.ac.uk
>> clientip= clientident=SquidProxy nasip=<82><9F>^Q<89> 
> nasid=
>> naspttype= requser=abc replyuser= outeruser=abc eapidentity=,
>> calling-st-id= called-st-id= fr amed-ip-addr= handler=strathrealm
>> rmessage=
> ...
>> So note "nasip=<82><9F>^Q<89>".  This is actually my terminal's
>> representation of the hi-bit characters, and it turns out they are the 
> hex
>> equivalent of the IP address: 0x82h == 130, 0x9f == 159, etc.  Before 
> 4.6
>> (3.17.1 previously) this was seamlessly translated to a printable IP
>> address, but it now appears this is being printed "raw".

The messages from Apr 26, are they from a hook?

If I remember correctly there have been changes to packet processing
that affected the moment of decoding and translation of packet contents.

So if the messages are for example, from a PreClientHook the following
note from the manual may apply.

5.4.27 PreClientHook
Caution: At the time this hook is run, integer attributes have not yet
been unpacked and decoded, and encrypted attributes have not yet been
decrypted. If you need unpacked, decrypted versions of these attributes,
consider using a per-client ClientHook instead.

Heikki Vatiainen, Arch Red Oy
+358 44 087 6547

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