[RADIATOR] LDAP authentication, IBM Lotus Domino

Pekka.Panula at sofor.fi Pekka.Panula at sofor.fi
Mon Nov 8 04:53:27 CST 2010


I am new to Radiator and we currently evaluating it. I am trying to use 
LDAP2 auth from IBM Lotus Domino LDAP-server  (without success yet).

I am wondering how can i strip realm from username or how to set username, 
i have a working freeradius conf here:

 ldap {
                server = ""
                port = "399"
                basedn = "o=Sparknet"
                filter = "(uid=%{Stripped-User-Name:-%{User-Name}})"
                base_filter = "(objectclass=person)"

How is that converted to Radiator?

   Pekka Panula, Sofor Oy - Jatkuvat palvelut
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