Adrian Mustelier Camino
adrian at dataspain.com
Wed Jun 23 10:17:00 CDT 2010
I trying to configure the logSQL feature in Radiator. I put the code
below inside the realm as indicated on the manual. The problem is that I
not receiving any data in My SQL server. I test the SQL database with
other application and work well.
<Log SQL>
DBSource dbi:mSQL:Radiatorlogsql
DBUSername radiatorlog
DBAuth radiatorlog
LogQuery insert into %3 (TIME_STAMP, PRIORITY, MESSAGE)
values (%t, %0, %2)
The Radiatorlogsql database is in the SQL server and the Server is using
SQL authentication.
My first question is:
Is correct the code over this lines?
I need an extra module to proper interface Radiator with SQL server than
the default installed with perl?
I can debug the SQLlog process?.
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