[RADIATOR] Radiator CoA

Søren Schrøder sch at chaos.dk
Tue Jun 22 14:23:56 CDT 2010


I'm using Radiator to do CoA DM Against NAS-boxes from Juniper (BRAS),
Errisson (SASN) and Starent (GGSN)

They all differ a bit on what AVP's they need for the CoA DM message.
For example, the Starent GGSN needs the following AVP's:


These are available from the Accounting messages (Start/Alive). So I
collect the accounting, and stores them in MySQL (using my own AuthBy
module, based on AuthTEST). I also store the NAS-IP-Address, so I know
which NAS-box is responsible for the actual PPP session.

CoA DM can be sent using radpwtest:

perl radpwtst -code Disconnect-Request -s $NASIP \
    -noauth -noacct -nostart -nostop -auth_port 3799 -acct_port 3799 \
    -secret $SECRET -dictionary PATH_TO_DICTIONARY \
    Acct-Session-Id=$SESSID  Event-Timestamp=$TIMESTAMP

sample output:

Tue Jun 22 21:17:30 2010: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file
Tue Jun 22 21:17:30 2010: DEBUG: Reading dictionary file
sending Disconnect-Request...
Tue Jun 22 21:17:30 2010: DEBUG: Packet dump:
*** Sending to foo.foo.foo.foo port 3799 ....

Packet length = 44
Code:       Disconnect-Request
Identifier: 195
Authentic:  (<31><1blablabba99><174>Yy<161>$<165>z<1>QC
        Acct-Session-Id = "D45848C410B61CA7"
        Event-Timestamp = 1277234191


Hope this guides you a bit into the mystery of CoA DM.

Søren Schrøder.
Obey Gravity - It's the law !

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