Gary Knapper gary.knapper at connectionservices.com
Fri Feb 19 06:58:50 CST 2010


I am having a problem firing creating the triplets to test the EAP-SIM 
module (evaluation).  I have been following the steps in 


To build and install:
1. Install Radiator 3.6 plus all patches or later.
2. Install the prerequisites mentioned above
3. Unpack the Radius-EAP-SIM distribution into a working directory
4. cd Radius-EAP-SIM
5. perl Makefile.PL
6. (as root) make install
7. Build a configuration file based on goodies/eap_sgsa.cfg (for PT
   SGSA MAP gateway interface)  or....
7. Develop and configure MAP gateway interface based on
   AuthSIMOPERATOR.pm and goodies/eap_simoperator.cfg

I got as far as 6. OK, including the pre-requisites (I think). However I 
don't have an eap_sgsa.cfg file.

When I progress to 'Testing with the SGSA MAP gateway simulator' in the 
README and reach this stage

2. Generate some triplets for your test GSM SIM card (use the right PIN 
for your SIM card):
goodies/gettriplets -pin 1234 >>goodies/triplets.dat

I see the following...

root at Titan:/home/gary/Radius-EAP-SIM-1.30# goodies/gettriplets -pin 1234 
Could not get readers list: Unknown (reader specific ?) error...

Is there enough information there to tell me where I am going wrong, or 
do you need more?

Best regards,


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