[RADIATOR] CISCO supplicant, unable to connect using PEAP

Gerard Alcorlo Bofill galcorlo at cesca.es
Fri Feb 12 05:58:06 CST 2010


I'm trying to authenticate a wireless phone Cisco 7925G with Radiator
using PEAP but I don't have any success until now. I'm a bit confused
because using the 7925G phone, Radiator answers me an Access-Accept but
in the logs from AP I can see:
%DOT11-7-AUTH_FAILED: Station 0023.3341.8656 Authentication failed

I can access the network using Windows XP (PEAP/MSCHAPv2) and also using
wpa_supplicant from Ubuntu, but not the default Network Manager.

I've been reading,
and I've understood that CISCO is using PEAPv1 instead of PEAPv0 from
Microsoft. For this reason I decided to use the specific client from
Cisco, "Cisco Secure Services Client" and tried with my laptop if I was
able to connect. I couldn't do it. I had the same problem, Radiator
accepted me but the laptop didn't like it and it retried to connecting

I've also been reading Radiator Reference and I've understood that
Radiator by default is using PEAPv1, however when I configure
wpa_supplicant from Linux I have to force it to use PEAPv0. If I choose
PEAPv1 I can't connect. A bit confusing, isn't it?

I'v tried to change, EAPTLS_PEAPVersion in Radiator without any success.

I'm using Radiator 4.2

Any idea?



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