Sami Keski-Kasari samikk at archred.com
Thu May 7 11:00:33 CDT 2009


I am testing Yubikeys and find two issues:

1. Custom AuthSelect doesn't work because of this issue:

--- Radius/AuthSQLYUBIKEY.pm-orig       2009-05-06 20:52:40.000000000 +0300
+++ Radius/AuthSQLYUBIKEY.pm    2009-05-06 20:53:14.000000000 +0300
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 use MIME::Base64;
 use strict;

-%Radius::AuthSQLDIGIPASS::ConfigKeywords =
+%Radius::AuthSQLYUBIKEY::ConfigKeywords =
 ('AuthSelect'            =>
  ['string', 'SQL query that will be used to fetch Yubikey data from the 
database. Special characters are permitted, and %0 is replaced with the 
quoted user name. %1 is replaced with the token ID. The default works 
with the sample yubikey database created by db_schema.sql from the 
YubiKey Validation Server.', 0],
  'UpdateQuery'           =>

2. Replay attack recoqnition is done now only via counter in Radiator.
I think that it should be done with counter, timestamp_low and 

Now the problem is that if you are using Replay attack recoqnition and 
need more than one otp password you have to unplug and plug yubikey 


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