[RADIATOR] Interim Accounting with Alive packets - SQL Query

Paul Lattimer paul.lattimer at fred.com.au
Sun May 3 20:44:30 CDT 2009

Hi All,


Currently running radiator and logging accounting to radius.ACCOUNTING
via a mySQL database. We have had interim accounting turned on, on our
LNS. Each hour we receive an Alive packet with interim data usage.


Has anyone got or can anyone suggest a query that will extract user
traffic between dates? I'm planning on running a query each night that
will write traffic for the previous day into a radius.radacct database.


I could probably work out the logic for the query, but as I am not a
mySQL wiz, I'm struggling to re-invent this particular wheel.


We terminate DSL customers, so their sessions can last from a few
seconds to a few months. So I'd be looking at using a combination of
alive and stop packets for summing traffic.


Can someone point me in the right direction please?


Thanks a lot.



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