[RADIATOR] Slow Response to the NAS Clients

Martin Burton mvb at sanger.ac.uk
Wed Mar 25 05:37:02 CST 2009

M P wrote:
> I just checked the log file and I got this warning message below:
> "WARNING: Bad authenticator received in reply to ID 1"
> In just around 5 minutes after I set the Trace to 5, I got 8700+ lines of the above warning message.
> Can you tell me what are the relevant messages to check on the log file I have right now that will tell me some hints about this slow response issue?
> Thank you in advance.

In my experience "Bad Authenticator" messages are normally down to a
mismatch in the shared secret for the NAS.  Might be worth checking that
you don't have a typo in the shared secret on either side.


Martin Burton
Senior Systems Administrator               \\\|||///
Networks Team                             \\  ^ ^  //
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute            (  6 6  )

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