[RADIATOR] Formatting character for next hop servers when proxying

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at archred.com
Sat Jul 25 16:11:01 CDT 2009

Heikki Vatiainen wrote:

> In case someone finds this useful, here is how I did it with a hook and
> custom dictionary:

There is one thing I left out from the previous message. I could not get
it to do anything with <AuthBy DNSROAM>. As far as I understand,
ReplyHook should be supported because of AuthBy RADSEC which is what we
use with DNS roam.

A closer look showed that $hookname.compiled was not defined and for
that reason runHook did nothing.

The log file did not show any compilation errors, and even a simple hook
like this did now show up in the log file:

ReplyHook sub { &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "ReplyHook from AuthBy

Heikki Vatiainen, Arch Red Oy
+358 44 087 6547

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