[RADIATOR] Too many TCP connections with AuthBy DNSROAM and RadSec

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at archred.com
Sat Jul 25 03:31:35 CDT 2009

Mike McCauley wrote:

>> If the function was changed so that
>> $self->{target}->activate() is only called when
>> if (!defined $self->{target}) holds, the extra TCP connections are not
>> created anymore.
> Is that what you really meant to write? If $self->{target} is not defined then 
> the call to $self->{target}->activate() will never work.

That is what I meant, but the above was a bit terse.

I should probably have added that if $self->{target} is not defined, a
new AuthRADSEC or AuthRADIUS is created and $self->{target} is assigned
to the newly created AuthRADSEC or AuthRADIUS instance.

What I see as a problem, is that $self-{target}->activate() is always
called when handle_request() is called: not only when $self->{target} is
first created but also when $self->{target} was already defined.

>> Does this sound correct?
> I dont think so.

How about this?

Heikki Vatiainen, Arch Red Oy
+358 44 087 6547

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