[RADIATOR] Too many TCP connections with AuthBy DNSROAM and RadSec

Heikki Vatiainen hvn at archred.com
Fri Jul 24 17:31:15 CDT 2009

While using AuthBy DNSROAM with RadSec, that is discovering RadSec
routes with DNS roam, I noticed that every outgoing RadSec
authentication request adds one TCP connection to the target RadSec
server. The authentication works, so my only worry is the growing number
of TCP connections.

After using Perl's "use Carp" to produce a backtrace to find out why
Stream::stream_connect is always called, I took a closer look at
AuthDNSROAM::Route::handle_request which was one of the functions upstream.

If the function was changed so that
$self->{target}->activate() is only called when
if (!defined $self->{target}) holds, the extra TCP connections are not
created anymore.

Does this sound correct?

Heikki Vatiainen, Arch Red Oy
+358 44 087 6547

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