[RADIATOR] Problems integrating with RSA Authentication Manager 7.1

Bjørn-Kåre Flister Bjorn-Kare.Flister at atea.no
Mon Feb 2 13:16:25 CST 2009


I am testing Radiator integration with RSA Authentication Manager 7.1
and got some problems/errors.

1. When using Policy RSA_Password
    RSA-server logs the following message:
Access Denied: User "testUser" attempted to authenticate using authenticator "". The user belongs to security domain "SystemDomain"
Reason: Missing authenticators

2: When using Policy Ondemand or Policy Security_Questions
Radioator crash/stops with following message:
DEBUG: Calling SOAP LoginCommand
Can't call method "getNasId" on an undefined value at c:/perl/site/lib/Radius/AuthRSAAM.pm line 492.
        ...caught at c:\perl\bin\radiusd line 2.
Tested with radpwtst -interactive
and tested using Citrix Access Gateway standard 4.5.8
Both tests crash the Radiator daemon/service

3: When testing ondemand against a Citrix Access gateway standard 4.5.8
I get two input-boxes: "Response" and "Verify Response"
Is it Radiator asking for two inputs of the response?
And if it is, is it possible to tunr off/Disable the "Verify Response" input-box+
The users will probably not accept having to write a 11-number digit ondemand password twice :-)

My setup is:
RSA authentication Manager and Radiator installed on same server
Windows 2003 Server R2/SP2 Enterprise Edition
RSA Authentication Manager 7.1 with P1 (using port 1812/1813 for Radius)
ActivePerl (installed and configured using setting the environment variable PERL5LIB=)
Radiator-Locked-4.3.1.exe with patches-4.3.1.tar.gz,  (using port 1645/11656 for Radius)
configured with registry set:

I have managed authenticate using Policy LDAP_Password

Hope you can help me getting Radiator to play with the RSA AM 7.1

Best Regards

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