[RADIATOR] issue with IPv6 clients via FQDN

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Aug 26 03:16:09 CDT 2009


> I noticed the request comes from a link-local IPv6 address. Just to make  
> sure: is the DNS server Radiator uses also aware of the link-local  
> address too?  The address itself looks like something that has been  
> manually configured, so some special settings are obviously involved.

the addresses were all faked for the post - the IPv4 and IPv6 are both real
global addresses published in DNS

> % host -a testing.private.net address.of.dns.server
> or
> % dig testing.private.net any @address.of.dns.server
> might be something to check.

as stated, DNS fine - all other applications running between the servers
are working fine with IPv6 transit


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