(RADIATOR) Active Perl

Bonno Bloksma b.bloksma at tio.nl
Tue Mar 11 05:06:54 CST 2008


As the installation manual for Radiator states I should install Active Perl I hope someone overhere can help me.
I'm setting up a Radius server with Radiator and installed ActivePerl 5.10.0 build 1002. I want to use an MS SQL database to retrieve the authentication data so I need the DBI package and the DBD-ODBC module.

I could not find the DBD-ODB module but did find a later version of DBI available so I told the Perl Package Manager to get the 1.602 update. I did it in the way as is decribed in http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/docs/ActivePerl/5.10/faq/ActivePerl-faq2.html#pkg_operations by asking to list all upgradeble packages, then marking it for update and then "Run marked actions".
* I now seem to have 2 versions of the DBI package installed als I cannot remove the old 1.601 version. That one has the Area perl whereas the newer 1.602 version has the area site. Is this a problem, having two versions at the same time?

2) I still cannot find a DBD-ODBC module. :-(

Met vriendelijke groet,
Bonno Bloksma
hoofd systeembeheer

tio hogeschool hotelmanagement en toerisme 
begijnenhof 8-12 / 5611 el eindhoven
t 040 296 28 28 / f 040 237 35 20
b.bloksma at tio.nl  / www.tio.nl 
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