(RADIATOR) Dynamic handler

Goboxe goboxe at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 21:07:48 CDT 2008


I have questions below:

1. Is that possible to have handler details stored in database?
The example handler that I used is below:

<Handler Realm=/xyz.com/i>
  Identifier xyz.com
  SessionDatabase sessd
  MaxSessions    5000
  RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+)\@xyz.com/$1/
  AuthByPolicy DoEverything
  AuthBy AuthByPostgreSQL
  AcctLogFileName c:/Radiator/logfile/%c/detail_%v-%d-%Y

2. If I added a new handler to cfg file or database (if Item#1 is possible),
is that possible for radiusd uses the new handler values without restarting it.


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