(RADIATOR) problem with adding new reply item

Ronald van der Pol Ronald.vanderPol at rvdp.org
Wed Jun 4 18:12:10 CDT 2008

I am trying to add a new reply item to our radiator/radmin setup.

I have added this to the dictionary file:
VENDORATTR      562    Nortel-OME6500-UPC           216      integer

I used convertDict.pl and createdb.pl to add it to the MySQL database.
It's in there:

mysql> select * from RADATTRS  where vendor_id = 562;
| ATTR_ID | NAME               | TYPE | VENDOR_ID |
|     216 | Nortel-OME6500-UPC |    2 |       562 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from RADCONFIG where vendor_id = 562;
|     216 |     10001 |      4 | rvdp | NULL   |       562 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

But when I do a radius request with this user I do not see this
reply item returned (I look with tethereal to the network traffic).

I see these entries in radiator.log:
Thu Jun  5 00:04:56 2008: ERR: Attribute number 216 (vendor 562) is not defined 
in your dictionary

Any suggestions?


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