No subject

Tue Jun 24 01:23:49 CDT 2008

Currently, I am stuck in trying to explain to the developer that as far as the values within the string are comma separated and AV pairs, he can always parse and split them as tokens based on the comma and "=" parameters. I am not convinced that this is prescribed in the RFC and the way to do it.

The developer sticking to the RFC is demanding that values(of OSC-AVPAIR) a.k.a sub-attributes should be in the TLV format. If the attribute OSC-AVPAIR is a string, how can I enforce everything in the string to be in the TLV format, this just doesn't seem possible. I am totally confused.

Thanks in advance,

-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Irvine [mailto:hugh at] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 7:26 PM
To: Chandrashekar, Kiran
Cc: radiator at
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Vendor specific attributes and sub-attributes.

Hello Kiran -

The usual way to do this is with an avpair.

For example we have defined a number of vendor-specifics for OSC, 
including this one:


which can then contain anything you like


	AddToReply OSC-AVPAIR = "xxx=1, yyy=2, zzz=3, ....."

most vendors use something similar.

Note that you should not use the "standard" attribute numbers as you 
have shown below.



On 28 Jul 2004, at 08:14, Chandrashekar, Kiran wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a question regarding vendor-specific attributes - Can I define 
> ONE attribute which can contain sub-attributes?
> Currently, I have defined 7 attributes in the following order.
> ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR1                28 string XXX
>  ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR2          29 string XXX
>  ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR3              30  integer XXX
>  ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR4            31 integer XXX
>  ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR5              32 integer XXX
>  ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR6                33 integer XXX
>  ATTRIBUTE        XXX_ATTR7           34 integer XXX
> But, Can I define one VSA which will include all the above?
> How will the dictionary file look like then?
>  What changes do I need to make to users logging into the file?
> Any help is appreciated.
>  Thanks,
>  Kiran Chandrashekar
>  ThinkEngine Networks, Inc.
>  100 Nickerson Road
>  Marlboro, MA  01752
>  Direct:  508-597-0461

NB: have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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