[RADIATOR] help with AuthBy LSA failure

Jason Mueller jasmuell at indiana.edu
Wed Jul 23 13:25:11 CDT 2008


>> Mon Jul 14 11:18:23 2008: ERR: Attribute number 255 (vendor 11) is  
>> not defined in your dictionary
> Vendor 11 is HP, so you should ask them for their list of vendor- 
> specific RADIUS attributes and send them to me so I can add them to  
> the standard Radiator dictionary.

I will do that soon . . . but I don't think that directly relates to  
this problem, so I was happily ignoring that for the moment.

> The second problem appears to be with your configuration file and/or  
> certificates.
>> Mon Jul 14 11:18:23 2008: DEBUG: Response type 1
>> Prototype mismatch: sub Net::SSLeay::randomize (;$$) vs none at  
>> (eval 48) line 1.
>> Mon Jul 14 11:18:23 2008: ERR: TLS could not  
>> load_verify_locations , :
>> Mon Jul 14 11:18:23 2008: DEBUG: EAP result: 1, EAP TLS Could not  
>> initialise context
> This usually indicates that Radiator is not able to find the  
> certificates that you need for EAP.

Radiator can find and use the certificate and private key. When I use  
the same certificate with AuthBy File as the inner authentication, I  
get the same Net::SSLeay error. However, when using AuthBy File as the  
inner authentication, it is successful.  I will also try the sample  
config tomorrow.

Thanks for the help.


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