(RADIATOR) Radiator4 serverhttp web GUI login failed

ScottXiao163 scottshaw at 163.com
Wed Feb 20 04:22:59 CST 2008

 Hi Team
I need your advice on web GUI login .
I installed radiator 4 on my XP laptop after perl's module installation and 
radpwtst  done;  and started with the sample serverhttp config file with 
some small changes in order to make sure the daemon read this correct 
file.But it always failed to let me login the admin page.No matter if I 
changed port, the authby,user file,etc. I copy the serverhttp .conf to 
programfiles\radiator\ and ran it.The error captured below and also in 
attachment.Please advise, thanks!

<Port changed>

Radiator 4.0 on L-068134-A (LOCKED). Not logged in
     Bad username or password
            Log in to access Radiator.

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