(RADIATOR) Two Success Queries in an AuthLog

Jose Borges Ferreira underspell at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 18:18:29 CDT 2008


You can also use store procedures. You can then have all de SQL queries you
want :p
You just have to specify "call my_store_procedure(param1,param2,etc)"  as
your SuccessQuery.

Check MySql manual for more information.

José Borges Ferreira

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 6:17 PM, David Craigon <david.craigon at griffin.com>

> Hello,
> I'm trying to modify a radiator config file. I'm using AuthLog SQL like:
> <AuthLog SQL>
> </AuthLog>
> But I'd like to use two SuccessQuery and FailureQuery clauses.  In
> otherwords, in case of success, I'd like it to do two queries, not just
> one. Is there any way of achieving this? I've tried using two AuthLog
> sections, putting two SuccessQuery lines, and using two queries on the
> same line with ; separating them (I'm using MySQL), but no dice.
> Any advice?
> David
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