(RADIATOR) Need help in configuring realm based forwarding

Hemant Arora hemant at ains.net.au
Tue Mar 6 23:06:16 CST 2007

Hi All

There is a small issue with the configuration:

1 - All my domains are working fine.

2 - I have a Default entry in the radius.cfg which goes to users file to
check and in users file I have entries for Layer 2 forwarding which is also
working fine. (Its on Realm based).

3 - I have around 2000 users who use only username and don't specify the
realm , now all are going to users file and they cant find a username. What
I want is that if the domain is abc.com it should go to Layer 2 forwarding
and if its anything else it can proxy to my other radius servers.

I tried this by adding <authby radius> in radius.cfg , it forwards the
request to users file but in users file it look for particular user not for
the whole realm. Is there any way I can solve this ? its creating lot of
problem for my users.

Please help.

Thanks and Regards,

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