(RADIATOR) Having "UsernameMatchesWithoutRealm" works in DIGIPASS authentication
ext.astek.jerome.schell at sncf.fr
Fri Mar 2 03:17:38 CST 2007
> Salut Jerome -
Salut Hugh :)
> Comment va la vie a la SNCF?
Comme sur des rails ;)
> I'll talk to Mike about your patch (for which many thanks).
> Rather than use DefaultRealm for this, I generally use an Identifier
> in the Client clauses and then Handlers based on the Identifiers.
> Something like this:
> .....
> # define Client clauses with Identifiers
> <Client>
> Identifier SomeUsefulTag
> .....
> </Client>
> <Handler Client-Identifier = AnotherTag>
> .....
> </Handler>
> .....
> J'espere que ca peut vous aider.
Yes perfect, it works. Thanks.
Radiator is so... flexible :)
Nevertheless my patch would add the generic behavior to the Digipass module (if desired).
> Si vous avez d'autres questions, n'hesitez pas a me contacter.
> Cordialement
> Hughes (qui a vecu longtemps en France ....)
Best regards,
Jérôme Schell (qui aimerait bien visiter l'Australie :) )
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