(RADIATOR) Active perl mysql module

Alex Sharaz A.Sharaz at hull.ac.uk
Tue Feb 13 06:26:52 CST 2007

Well, tried that and get a message back saying

Install failed can't find any package that provides DBD-MySQL

Also the command is ppm-shell and not ppm.
Ppm seems to get to to a GUI interface that list all the packages
already installed.

While you can add additional urls in order to get ppm to lok elsewhere
for packages, i'm guessing that the ones I've got set up 
Don't have the DBD-MySQL package.

Anyone got a UL I can add into ppm?


-----Original Message-----
From: Hugh Irvine [mailto:hugh at open.com.au] 
Sent: 12 February 2007 20:12
To: Alex Sharaz
Cc: radiator at open.com.au
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Active perl mysql module

Hello Alex -

You simply need to use the "ppm" package manager included with  

	ppm install DBI

	ppm install DBD-MySQL

This downloads and installs pre-compiled modules for you.



On 13 Feb 2007, at 03:57, Alex Sharaz wrote:

> Chaps,
> I'm just installing radiator-3.16 onto a windoze box with active  
> perl 5.8.8
> It seems that the DBD::mysql  module isn't available in 5.8.8 by  
> default .
> While i can get hold of the code via CPAN, it does expect to have a  
> C compiler available on the platform to build the module, which we  
> don't have.
> Does anyone have a Active perl package i can grab to install?
> Alex
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Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive (www.open.com.au/archives/ 
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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