(RADIATOR) backoff timer

onrubia carlos carlos.onrubia at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 08:28:10 CST 2007


I have tested the working of the backoff timer parameter in the
configuration file when the radonline server is not
It works (during X seconds, no requests are sent to the radonline server).

But strange situation, in the detaille log, the access to radonline are
still present (see log here below)...so my questions are:

- is this situation normal?
- how can I make the difference between this "non access" and a real access?

Thanks for your feedback,


Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Rewrote user name to *
fa051981 at skynet.be* <fa051981 at skynet.be>
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Handling request with Handler
'SkyHandler = skynet'
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Rewrote user name to fa051981
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: SkynetOnline Adding session for *
fa051981 at skynet.be* <fa051981 at skynet.be>,, 4124255
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Could not connect to SQL database
with DBI->connect dbi:Oracle:RADONL.SKYNET.BE, radius, kerguelen: ORA-01034:
ORACLE not available ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist Linux
Error: 2: No such file or directory (DBD ERROR: OCISessionBegin)
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Could not connect to SQL database
with DBI->connect dbi:Oracle:RADONL2.SKYNET.BE, radius, kerguelen:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not
exist Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory (DBD ERROR: OCISessionBegin)

Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Could not connect to any SQL
database. *Request is ignored. Backing off for 30 seconds*
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: do query is: 'DELETE FROM
onlineusers WHERE nasidport=' 4124255'':
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: do query is: 'INSERT into
onlineusers (login, nas_id, session_id, time_stamp, framed_ip,
nas_port_type, service_type, called_id, caller_id, nasidport, radsrv,
status_type, radtype, cnx_type) VALUES ('fa051981', '',
'04122007-134255', (to_date('01-JAN-1970','DD-MON-YYYY')+1196772205/86400),
'', 'Virtual', 'Framed-User', 'bob', 'bob', '', '
radius011.isp.belgacom.be', 'Alive', 4, 'user-speed-go')':
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Handling with Radius::AuthSQL
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Handling accounting with
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: do query is: 'INSERT INTO acct
VALUES ('bob','user-speed-go',30,'

Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Accounting accepted
Dec 4 13:43:25 radius011 radiusd[2608]: Packet dump: *** Sending to port 35116 .... Packet length = 20 05 84 00 14 c2 23 30 ed 2e
73 f5 32 e3 33 55 eb 00 cb 3c 1d Code: Accounting-Response Identifier: 132
Authentic: <5><7>D<5><233><252>B)B1"<146>e<173><139><187> Attributes:
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