(RADIATOR) database's in same server as radiator?

onrubia carlos carlos.onrubia at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 09:06:28 CDT 2007


I have looked at the mailing list to find an aswer on my problem but
even if this topic is rather present in the mailing list, I
do not know what to conclude for my own situation.
That's why I post this mail in order to have a clear view on what to
do ... and what not to do!
I hope I will receive a clear answer.

Presently my radius configuration is the following one:

- 10 radius servers (radiator 3.11) with debian linux (running with
one authentication configuration and one accounting configuration)

  Hardware is: Proliant DL360G3 - 2Gb memory - 2 processor Intel(R)
Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz - 12Gb disk

- 5 slaves dB's servers (debian linux) on mysql where the user profile
is present (essentially login/psw)
   These 5 db's are synchronised with a master db where the
provisioning is done.

   Hardware is: Proliant DL360G3 - 2Gb memory - 2 processor Intel(R)
Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz - 12Gb disk

- 5 accounting db's servers (debian linux) on mysql where I insert the
accounting requests.

  Hardware is: Proliant DL360G3 - 2Gb memory - 2 processor Intel(R)
Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz - 12Gb disk

The db's are reached from the radius servers via a Load Balancer (see
here below a part of the configuration file)


<AuthBy SQL>

        Identifier      blabla

        DBSource        dbi:mysql:bobo:X.X.X.X
        DBUsername      bobo
        DBAuth          bobo
        Timeout         5
        FailureBackoffTime      10

        AuthSelect SELECT HIGH_PRIORITY a.clear_pass, a.check_attr
from dialup a,login_alias b WHERE b.alias='%n' AND a.login = b.login
AND a.type & %  {BGCBitType} = %{BGCBitType} AND status = 'open'

        DefaultReply    Service-Type = Framed-User, Framed-Protocol =
PPP, Framed-Routing = None

      DefaultSimultaneousUse  2




<AuthBy SQL>

      Identifier        toto

      DBSource          dbi:mysql:toto:X.X.X.X

      DBUsername        toto

      DBAuth            toto

      Timeout                 5

      FailureBackoffTime      10


      AccountingTable         toto

      AcctColumnDef           login,User-Name

      AcctColumnDef           time_stamp,Timestamp,integer

      AcctColumnDef           status_type,Acct-Status-Type

      AcctColumnDef           delay_time,Acct-Delay-Time, integer

      AcctColumnDef           in_bytes,RB-Acct-Input-Octets-64,integer

      AcctColumnDef           out_bytes,RB-Acct-Output-Octets-64,integer

      AcctColumnDef           session_id,Acct-Session-Id

      AcctColumnDef           duration,Acct-Session-Time,integer

      AcctColumnDef           end_cause,Acct-Terminate-Cause

      AcctColumnDef           nas_id,NAS-Identifier

      AcctColumnDef           nas_port,NAS-Port,integer

      AcctColumnDef           framed_ip,Framed-IP-Address

      AcctColumnDef           nas_ip,NAS-IP-Address

      AcctColumnDef           nas_port_type,NAS-Port-Type

      AcctColumnDef           called_id,Called-Station-Id

      AcctColumnDef           caller_id,Calling-Station-Id

      AcctColumnDef           usertype,SkyCustType

      AcctColumnDef           gric_isp_id,Gric-Isp-Id

      AcctColumnDef           gric_timezone,Gric-Timezone

      AcctColumnDef           rbit,BGCBitType,integer

      AcctColumnDef           skynum,Skynum,integer

      AcctColumnDef           coninfo,Connect-Info,string

      AcctFailedLogFileName   %L/failed.RES

      AcctInsertQuery         INSERT INTO %0 (%1) VALUES (%2)



I need to make the renewal of all these servers and I need to know
what kind of servers to choose for the new set-up.
As the standard servers for the renewal in my company are more
powerful that the present one, I am thinking of putting all the
functionnalities in the same server (radiator, authentication db and
accounting db).
I will this way use less servers and skip the mysql queries (select,
insert, delete) via the network (Load Balancer).

I guess the mysql access will be then reduced a lot; moreover each
radiator will have its own DB's ( a fail over DB - other server- will
be put in the configuration
file in case of local mysql problem)

I think of the following situation:

10 servers (of less? - performance to be tested) with the following hardware:

    ==> DL380R05 - 1 (or 2??) processors (dual core:Intel 5150 -
2,66GHz/1333 FSB ) - 4 Gygabytes of memory - 2 disk of 72Gb - 4 disk
of 146 Gb.

What do you think?
Any blocking points?
Is this set up (radiator/DB's in the same servers) often used?

Thanks in advance for your feedback, remarks.


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