(RADIATOR) Radiator on SOAP

Hunt Lee hlee at servcorp.com.au
Tue Mar 28 18:08:55 CST 2006



I'm interested in the Radiator product, have you guys had any past
experience on integrating with a web server running SOAP? Can someone
please teach me how external devices (i.e. PC) to call on the Radiator's
SOAP interface?




Hunt Lee

IP Telephony Engineer

        just a bit smarter! 
Level 17, BNP Paribas Center 
60 Castlereagh Street 
Sydney NSW 2000

p: +61 2 92317469

e: hlee at servcorp.com.au

www.servcorp.com.au <http://www.servcorp.com.au/> 


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