(RADIATOR) Re-assigning a dynamic IP

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Jun 8 22:14:08 CDT 2006

Hello Rob -

You will need to use a PostAuthHook and change the Framed-IP-Address  
in the reply packet,  not  the request.

There are numerous example hooks in "goodies/hooks.txt" in the  
Radiator 3.15 distribution.



On 8 Jun 2006, at 18:48, Rob M. Salmon wrote:

> Hi
> I am using a single Radius server to authenticate both DSL and dial- 
> up clients
> I am using AuthbySQL
> What I am trying to do is if a DSL customer “dials up” I want to  
> change the static IP (obtained from the SQL DB) to a different IP.
> I am using the attribute Called-Station-Id to determine if the  
> request is coming from a dial port or not.
> I understand that I need to change the Framed-IP-Address attribute  
> that is returned by the radius server.
> I am trying to use a perl Hook backupdialup-hook.pl (code below)  
> but I suspect I am not re-assigning the Ip correctly.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sub
> {
>     my $p = ${$_[0]};
>     my $code = $p->code();
>     if ($code eq 'Auth-Request') {
>         my $Station-ID = $p->get_attr('Called-Station-Id');
>         if ($Station-ID eq '142320198333843') {
>                 &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG,"Called-station-ID  
> attribute present, Dialup Backup used.");
>                 AddToReply Framed-IP-Address=,Framed- 
> IP-Netmask=
> #               $p->change_attr('Framed-IP-Address',  
> '');
>         }
>     }
>     return;
> }
> The radius.cfg look like this.
> # This will authenticate users from SUBSCRIBERS
>     <AuthBy SQL>
>         DBSource        dbi:mysql:radius_db:
>         DBUsername      wildit
>         DBAuth          1wildone8
>         AuthSelect select PASSWORD, FramedIPAddress,  
> SessionTimeout, PrimaryDNS, SecondaryDNS from SUBSCRIBERS \
>                    where USERNAME=%0
>         AuthColumnDef 0, User-Password, check
>         AuthColumnDef 1, Framed-IP-Address, reply
>         AuthColumnDef 2, Session-Timeout, reply
>         AuthColumnDef 3, Ascend-Client-Primary-DNS, ipaddr
>         AuthColumnDef 4, Ascend-Client-Secondary-DNS, ipaddr
>         AddToReply cisco-avpair="ip:dns-servers=  
> PreClientHook file:"%D/backupdialup-hook.pl";
> Regards
> Rob Salmon
> Development Executive
> rsalmon at wildtechnology.net
> 02 8306 0020 Direct Line
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> Finance - Ground Floor, 265/8 Lachlan Street, Waterloo NSW 2017
> Sales - Level 16 , 1604/6 Lachlan Street, Waterloo NSW 2017
> Telephone 1300-13-9453 |  Facsimile 1300-88-9453
> http://www.wildit.com.au
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