(RADIATOR) Multiple hosts for RADSEC?

Jan Tomasek jan at tomasek.cz
Thu Jan 5 01:53:38 CST 2006

Hello Hugh,

> There is a simple NoReplyHook showing something similar in "goodies/
> hooks.txt".

Thanks, that is prety simple to get idea.

But how about dead host marking? To me that looks that every radius
request will have to wait till first AuthBy RADSEC timeouts. There is no
dead host marking. Without it is backup radius usesless.

Are you considering implementing multiple hosts into RADSEC? I was
planing to replace IPSec by RADSEC but now I've to go back to IPSec :(

Best regards
Jan Tomasek aka Semik

>> do you have some example? Will that also provide some dead host  marking?
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