(RADIATOR) Log message "Too many open files"

Patrick, Robert Robert.Patrick at hq.doe.gov
Sat Feb 25 12:53:03 CST 2006

Seeking so find a way for Radiator to withstand brute force login

During periodic network vulnerability scanning all of our switches and
routers get hit with a ton of a telnet brute-force login attempts.
These are all sent via TACACS to Radiator.  Soon after the scans start,
I'm seeing the below error messages in /var/log/radius/logfile, and it
doesn't seem to clear until I restart the process.

What can I do so that Radiator avoids this failure, while still allowing
the brute force attempts to be denied, meanwhile allowing any valid
logins?  TACACS logins are checked against a flat file. lsof showed 4251
lines, 1008 of which were TACACS connections.  Netstat output showed 447
TACACS connections, out of 527 total lines.

Sat Feb 25 13:06:39 2006: ERR: Could not accept on Tacacs listen socket:
Too many open files
Sat Feb 25 13:06:41 2006: ERR: Could not accept on Tacacs listen socket:
Too many open files


-Rob Patrick
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