(RADIATOR) Reply-Message in Access-Accept

Pavel A Crasotin pavel at ctk.ru
Thu Aug 3 03:39:49 CDT 2006

Hello Hugh and Mike -

I would like to log some data from Access-Accept packet to AuthLog.
Is it possible?

I'm using AuthPLSQL to authenticate PPPoE/PPTP subscribers.
When the subscriber is authenticated time and volume quota are
assigned to it.
And I would like to see these quotas in log file.
I put quotas in Reply-Message.

AuthPLSQL returns something like this:
Code:       Access-Accept
Identifier: 83
Authentic:  <194><202><189><230><210><131><130>X<253><209>E<222><130><133>"q
        Service-Type = 2
        Framed-MTU = 1476
        Framed-Compression = 1
        Cisco-Avpair = "ip:addr-pool=Client"
        Account-Info = "NDial_Up_VM"
        Control-Info = "QV52396609"
        Control-Info = "QT216309"
        Reply-Message = "QV52396609/QT216309"
        Framed-Protocol = 1

The AuthLog clause is:
<AuthLog FILE>
    Identifier          ISGServiceLog
    Filename            %L/isg_service%Y%m%d.pwd
    SuccessFormat       %l:%n:%{Service-Info}:%1:OK
    FailureFormat       %l:%n:%{Service-Info}:FAIL:%1
    LogSuccess          1
    LogFailure          1

But the logfile contains:
Thu Aug  3 12:26:53 2006:testvm:NDial_Up_VM::OK

Should I change code of AuthPLSQL module to solve my little problem or
it can be done only in core RADIATOR code?

With respect,
Pavel A Crasotin
OJSC SeverTransCom
Tel: +7 (0852) 58-41-03, 58-01-01
Fax: +7 (0852) 58-01-01

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