(RADIATOR) 3.11 -> 3.13 ldaps problems

Mike McCauley mikem at open.com.au
Fri Oct 7 17:48:23 CDT 2005

Hello Andrew,

The log and config file seems to indicate you do not have config file entries 
for AuthDN and AuthPasssword.


On Saturday 08 October 2005 05:04, Andrew D. Clark wrote:
> Hi all.
> I recently attempted to upgrade from 3.11 to 3.13, which broke my ldaps
> handler.  I now get the following error when I attempt to connect:
> Fri Oct  7 12:00:12 2005: INFO: Attempting to bind to LDAP server
> directory.ucsb.edu:636
> Fri Oct  7 12:00:12 2005: ERR: Could not bind connection with , , error:
> LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH (server directory.ucsb.edu:636)
> Fri Oct  7 12:00:12 2005: ERR: Backing off from directory.ucsb.edu:636 for
> 30 seconds.
> Thinking that perhaps it now really wants the
> SSLCAClientCert and SSLCAClientKey set as the goodies indicates, I set
> SSLCAClientCert to point to an actual cert, which then causes radiusd to
> crash on the next attempted ldaps connection.
> Here's my ldaps config, which is included at various points within various
> ldaps handlers:
> Host                    directory.ucsb.edu
> BaseDN                  o=ucsb
> UsernameAttr    uid
> PasswordAttr    passwd
> ServerChecksPassword
> # You can enable debugging of the Net::LDAP
> # module with this:
> Debug 255
> UseSSL
> # If you set UseSSL or UseTLS, also need to set these:
> SSLCAFile /etc/ssl/cert.pem
> #SSLCAClientCert /usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/noc.ucsb.edu.crt
> #SSLCAClientCert ldapcertificates/clientcrt.pem
> #SSLCAClientKey ldapcertificates/clientkey.pem
> #HoldServerConnection
> # Timeout 2
> # Failure backoff Default is 10 minutes - i'm using 30 sec
> FailureBackoffTime 30

Mike McCauley                               mikem at open.com.au
Open System Consultants Pty. Ltd            Unix, Perl, Motif, C++, WWW
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Phone +61 7 5598-7474                       Fax   +61 7 5598-7070

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