(RADIATOR) Loading check and reply items from a complex SQL database.

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Thu Nov 10 20:57:01 CST 2005

Hello Nacho -

Without a bit more detail about exactly what you want to do, it is  
difficult to make sensible suggestions.

Why won't one (or more) AuthBy SQL clauses work for you?

And what SQL database are you using?

One very effective way of dealing with SQL database complexity is the  
use of stored procedures (for those databases that support them of  
course). Otherwise you can use an AuthBy INTERNAL together with a  
hook that does whatever you wish, or you can write your own custom  
AuthBy module that inherits from AuthSQL.pm.

hope that helps



On 11 Nov 2005, at 03:48, Nacho Paredes wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a SQL RADIUS Users Database which stores users attributes  
> (check and
> reply items) in a way that allows an easy definition of profiles and
> services (sets of attributes and its values) but forces to complex SQL
> queries for retrieving user attributes.
> I also have a set of perl functions for managing the database and  
> retrieving
> its data hiding the implementation details.
> I would like to use this database with Radiator, but I have found  
> that the
> mechanism that <AuthBy SQL> provides for querying check and reply  
> items
> wouldn't work.
> I've seen in the Authentication modules code that a User object is  
> created:
> $user=new Radius::User $name
> And then its lists of attributes accesed:
> $attr_list=$user->get_check();
> $attr_list->add_attr(...)
> The question is: would be possible to write a hook for loading  
> check and
> reply items (using my perl functions) into  the User structure while
> processing the authentication request?
> Thanks on advance.
> Regards.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ignacio Paredes               |  email: iparedes at eurocomercial.es
> Eurocomercial I&C, S.A.       |  Tel: +34 98 5195703
> Ezcurdia, 194 - Gijon (AS)    |  Fax: +34 98 5132596
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive (www.open.com.au/archives/ 
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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