(RADIATOR) Loading check and reply items from a complex SQL database.

Nacho Paredes iparedes at eurocomercial.es
Thu Nov 10 10:48:12 CST 2005

Hi all,

I have a SQL RADIUS Users Database which stores users attributes (check and
reply items) in a way that allows an easy definition of profiles and
services (sets of attributes and its values) but forces to complex SQL
queries for retrieving user attributes.
I also have a set of perl functions for managing the database and retrieving
its data hiding the implementation details.

I would like to use this database with Radiator, but I have found that the
mechanism that <AuthBy SQL> provides for querying check and reply items
wouldn't work.

I've seen in the Authentication modules code that a User object is created:
$user=new Radius::User $name

And then its lists of attributes accesed:


The question is: would be possible to write a hook for loading check and
reply items (using my perl functions) into  the User structure while
processing the authentication request?

Thanks on advance.

Ignacio Paredes               |  email: iparedes at eurocomercial.es
Eurocomercial I&C, S.A.       |  Tel: +34 98 5195703
Ezcurdia, 194 - Gijon (AS)    |  Fax: +34 98 5132596

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