(RADIATOR) Multiple Filter-Id and compatibility with Freeradius

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri May 20 17:55:07 CDT 2005

Hello Chris -

Any radius attribute that you use must be defined in the Radiator  

I don't understand how Freeradius deals with the attributes as shown  

Can you give me some reference to the relevant Freeradius documentation?



On 20 May 2005, at 22:42, Chris Cronje - MWEB wrote:

> Goodday,
> I was wondering if someone can help with the following issue -
> We have certain users in our Radiator Mysql database with the  
> following reply attributes:
> Filter-Id=xxx.in,Filter-Id=yyy.out
> There is now a requirement for another ISP to proxy authenticate  
> from their Freeradius servers to our Radiator servers. Freeradius  
> doesn't support the above reply attribute and will always ignore  
> one of the two Filter-Id attributes.
> To make this work on Freeradius, the reply attribute must look as  
> follows:
> Filter-Id=xxx.in,Filter-Id+=yyy.out
> However, when I use this as a reply attribute on Radiator, I get  
> the following error when trying to authenticate:
> Fri May 20 14:28:03 2005: ERR: Bad attribute=value pair: Filter-Id  
> += yyy.out
> Can you perhaps tell me if there is a way to configure Radiator so  
> that it sends this bad attribute=value pair back to Freeradius as is ?
> Thanks
> Chris
> MWEB: S.A.'s trusted Internet Service Provider. Just Like that.
> To join, click here or call 08600 32000.


Have you read the reference manual ("doc/ref.html")?
Have you searched the mailing list archive (www.open.com.au/archives/ 
Have you had a quick look on Google (www.google.com)?
Have you included a copy of your configuration file (no secrets),
together with a trace 4 debug showing what is happening?

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