(RADIATOR) Problem upgrading to Radiator 3.12 and patching it, AuthPLSQL.pm error

Mishari Al-Faris mishari26 at gmail.com
Tue May 3 02:55:32 CDT 2005


I was running Radiator 3.9 without problems using the AuthPLSQL.pm
module. Recently we installed some Colubris APs and was pleased to
find recent support for it, so I tried to upgrade my Radiator. I have
2 machines, 1 operational and the other was a test bed, so I tried
doing it on the test machine.

I got the latest version 3.12 and the patches file. I untarred the
package and then patched it. Then I did:

perl Makefile.pl; make; make test

and everything seemed fine.

I then did:

make install

and copied AuthPLSQL.pm from the goodies dir to
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Radius/ along with where the rest of
the modules went.

However, now when I try to start radiator I get:

/etc/init.d/radiator start
Starting Radiator: Can't locate object method "new" via package
"Radius::AuthPLSQL" at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Radius/Configurable.pm line 373, <FILE>
line 87. [FAILED]

Any help would be appreciated, I still havent touched the production
machine fortunately.

Am I messing up the upgrade/patching procedure? I couldnt find the
procedure anywhere, so I kinda winged it :)

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