(RADIATOR) LDAP on Radiator 3.5 (W2k)

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Tue Mar 29 08:31:36 CST 2005

Hello Martijn -

You will need to install perl-ldap from CPAN.


See section 6.36 in the Radiator 3.12 reference manual.



On 29 Mar 2005, at 15:17, Martijn Balink wrote:

> Hi All,
> I want to enable LDAP authorization . The Radiator machine runs 
> Radiator
> 3.5 on a W2k box, and I want Radiator to connect to an LDAP server
> running on Windows 2003.
> When I changed the config, and restarted the radiator service, the log
> started to produce errors as listed below.
> ----
> Tue Mar 29 14:50:07 2005: ERR: Could not load AuthBy module
> Radius::AuthLDAP2: Can't locate Net/LDAP.pm in @INC (@INC contains: .
> d:/Perl/lib d:/Perl/site/lib .) at d:/Perl/site/lib/Radius/AuthLDAP2.pm
> line 14, <FILE> line 176.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> d:/Perl/site/lib/Radius/AuthLDAP2.pm line 14, <FILE> line 176.
> Compilation failed in require at (eval 28) line 3, <FILE> line 176.---
> ---
> I have searched in the AuthLdap2.pm file, but cannot find any link to
> the file mentioned. So to solve this error, I have copied the
> AuthbyLDAP.pm to d:\perl\lib\net\ldap.pm. This action changed the 
> errors
> to the following:
> ----
> Tue Mar 29 15:00:01 2005: ERR: Could not load AuthBy module
> Radius::AuthLDAP2: Can't locate Net/LDAPapi.pm in @INC (@INC contains: 
> .
> d:/Perl/lib d:/Perl/site/lib .) at d:/Perl/site/lib/Net/LDAP.pm line 
> 12,
> <FILE> line 176.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at d:/Perl/site/lib/Net/LDAP.pm line
> 12, <FILE> line 176.
> Compilation failed in require at d:/Perl/site/lib/Radius/AuthLDAP2.pm
> line 14, <FILE> line 176.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
> d:/Perl/site/lib/Radius/AuthLDAP2.pm line 14, <FILE> line 176.
> Compilation failed in require at (eval 28) line 3, <FILE> line 176.
> ---
> I don't wan't to end up with a server with several copies of each files
> here and there, so I'm asking for help now.
> To complete things, this is the fragment of the config file that uses
> the LDAP auth.
> ---
> <Handler Realm=test.hesasd.nl>
> 	# Remove the Realm
> 	RewriteUsername	s/^([^@]+).*/$1/
> 	# This one translates all uppercase chars to lowercase
> 	RewriteUsername	tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/
> 	<AuthBy LDAP2>
> 		# Connect to DC01.HESASD.NL
> 		Host DC01.hesasd.nl
> 		BaseDN ou=staff dc=hesasd dc=nl
> 		AuthDN administrator
> 		AuthPassword <adminpasswd>
> 		ServerChecksPassword
> 		TimeOut 3
> 		UsernameAttr sAMAccountName
> 	</AuthBy>
> </handler>
> ---
> Can anybody help me out?
> Thanks in advance,
> Martijn Balink
> Network Administrator
> Amsterdam School of Business.
> --
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