(RADIATOR) Default Simultaneous Use of 1 (session retains)

Darwin dhormillosa at owtel.com
Mon Mar 21 06:09:00 CST 2005


    We have 2 existing radius servers running, radius1 and radius2 both with same configuration but with different database/machines. radius1 is our primary radius server and radius2 is the secondary. AS will do the failover that if radius1 is not running it will retransmit to radius2 to do the job. We've noticed that sometimes, if the user was disconnected and tried to relogin again, they can't login, we checked the logs we received the error "Default Simultaneous use of 1". We checked radius logs, we've noticed that both radius server is adding user sessions, so in case the user disconnects, radius1 deletes the session while radius2 takes time for the session to be deleted,around a minute, that's why we encountered a Default Simultaneous use of 1 error.
Do you think its normal, or is the current setup right? and how can we solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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