(RADIATOR) Cisco VPN3030 to

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Sat Mar 12 00:20:23 CST 2005

Hello Sean -

Your configuration file looks fine, although if you only have a single 
AuthBy clause for authentication, you do not need an AuthBy GROUP 
around it.

I also tend to find it useful to do accounting to rotating files as 
shown below.

And comments should be on separate lines so they are not taken to be 
part of a parameter.

BTW - almost any Cisco device can be used to terminate VPN connections, 
so even an old router can be used for testing.

hope that helps



# vpn client authentication requests
# from cf-vpn can come
#either public or private interfaces

<Client IP address here>
	Identifier	CF-VPN-PUB
	Secret xxx

# vpn client authentication requests
# from cf-vpn can come
#either public or private interfaces

<Client IP address here>
	Identifier	CF-VPN-PRI
	Secret xxx

<Handler Client-Identifier = CF-VPN-PUB>

	<AuthBy LSA>
		# Active Directory group
		Group VPNSW
		DomainController xxx

	AcctLogFileName	%L/detail-pub-%Y-%m-%d
	AuthLog		remoteaccess-authlog

<Handler Client-Identifier = CF-VPN-PRI>
	<AuthBy LSA>
		# Active Directory group
		Group VPNSW
		DomainController xxx
	AcctLogFileName	%L/detail-pri-%Y-%m-%d
	AuthLog		remoteaccess-authlog

On 11 Mar 2005, at 18:38, Kliger, Sean C wrote:

> Hello--
> We have a Cisco VPN3030 for which I'd like users to authenticate to our
> Radius on Windows server (2003).  We've come up with a sample config 
> snippet
> (below) and I'm wondering if one of you all would look it over and let 
> me
> know if it looks reasonable.  Unfortunately, we don't have a test VPN 
> box so
> I'll need to do this during a maintenance window and would like to get 
> lined
> up so as not to incur multiple outages.
> ...
> <Client IP address here>
> 	Identifier	CF-VPN-PUB	#vpn client authentication requests
> from cf-vpn can come
> 					#either public or private interfaces
> 	Secret xxx
> </Client>
> <Client IP address here>
> 	Identifier	CF-VPN-PRI	#vpn client authentication requests
> from cf-vpn can come
> 					#either public or private interfaces
> 	Secret xxx
> </Client>
> <Handler Client-Identifier = CF-VPN-PUB>
> 	<AuthBy GROUP>
> 		<AuthBy LSA>
> 			Group VPNSW	# Active Directory group
> 			DomainController xxx
> 		</AuthBy>
> 	</AuthBy>
> 	AcctLogFileName	%L/detail
> 	AuthLog		remoteaccess-authlog
> </Handler>
> <Handler Client-Identifier = CF-VPN-PRI>
> 	<AuthBy GROUP>
> 		<AuthBy LSA>
> 			Group VPNSW	# Active Directory group
> 			DomainController xxx
> 		</AuthBy>
> 	</AuthBy>
> 	AcctLogFileName	%L/detail
> 	AuthLog		remoteaccess-authlog
> </Handler>
> ...
> --Sean
> --
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