(RADIATOR) Unable to bind to Active Directory with other user than Administrator!

Jhonny Freire de Oliveira joliveira at correio.reitoria.ul.pt
Thu Mar 10 11:19:03 CST 2005

Hello there,


I want Radiator to authenticate on Windows 2003 Active Directory, and I'm
already able to do so. Unfortunately I can only bind to the Active Directory
with the "Administrator" account, any other fails to bind. As you should
understand I don't want use Administrator account for this purpose. I've
tried to give administrator privileges (as well as all of them, too) to the
other account I want to use, and still, it doesn't work. I've tried other
tools like ldp or "Softerra LDAP Administrator 3" and they bind to any


Does my problem make any sense? If it does, what I can do to change this be

Where can I find more specific info on Radiator (RH Linux Advanced Server) /
Active Directory (Win2003 Server Standart)?


Best regards,


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