(RADIATOR) Disconnect Request, POD question, voip call session kill

Hugh Irvine hugh at open.com.au
Fri Mar 4 04:08:20 CST 2005

Hello Ganbold -

I do not have any experience with Cisco VoIP, however a quick check of  
the Cisco web site gives this:


which contains this:

  RADIUS Packet of Disconnect

  This feature consists of a method for terminating a call that has  
already been connected. This "Packet of Disconnect" (POD) is a RADIUS  
access_reject packet and is intended to be used in situations where the  
AAA server wants to disconnect the user after the session has been  
accepted by the RADIUS access_accept packet. This may be needed in at  
least two situations:

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Detection of fraudulent use, which cannot be performed before accepting 
the call.

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A price structure so complex that the maximum session duration cannot  
be estimated before accepting the call. This may be the case when  
certain types of discounts are applied or when multiple users use the  
same subscription simultaneously.

  Refer to the following document for further information:


The above reference contains this (plus examples etc.):

Feature Overview

  This feature consists of a method for terminating a call that has  
already been connected. This "Packet of Disconnect" (POD) is a RADIUS  
access_request packet and is intended to be used in situations where  
the authenticating agent server wants to disconnect the user after the  
session has been accepted by the RADIUS access_accept packet. This may  
be needed in at least two situations:

	• 	Detection of fraudulent use, which cannot be performed before  
accepting the call. A price structure so complex that the maximum  
session duration cannot be estimated before accepting the call. This  
may be the case when certain types of discounts are applied or when  
multiple users use the same subscription simultaneously.

	• 	 To prevent unauthorized servers from disconnecting users, the  
authorizing agent that issues the POD packet must include three  
parameters in its packet of disconnect request. For a call to be  
disconnected, all parameters must match their expected values at the  
gateway. If the parameters do not match, the gateway discards the  
packet of disconnect packet and sends a NACK (negative acknowledgement  
message) to the agent.

  The parameters are the following:

	• 	An h323-conf-id vendor-specific attribute (VSA) with the same  
content as received from the gateway for this call.

	• 	An h323-call-origin VSA with the same content as received from the  
gateway for the leg of interest.

	• 	A 16-byte MD5 hash value that is carried in the authentication  
field of the POD request.

hope that helps



On 4 Mar 2005, at 10:49, Ganbold wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm posting my problem again because I didn't find any solution in  
> this regard since my last post.
> I have problem using disconnect request for Cisco AS5300. I'm using  
> Radiator-3.8 radius server.
> I use utility radpwtst to send disconnect-request directly to NAS but  
> it replies Disconnect-Request-NAKed.
> Is there anybody who solved this problem before?
> Is there anybody who successfully used POD and Disconnect-request in  
> Cisco AS5300?
> What kind of attribute combination should I send to NAS?
> What is Cisco IOS version known to work with disconnect-request?
> Actually I tested disconnect request on Dial-UP Cisco NAS server and  
> it works just fine.
> But it is NOT working on VoIP.
> We are trying to implement this feature in VoIP application.
> I appreciate very much if somebody can share its experience.
> I tried with Session id attribute and no result. I even tried with  
> h-323-conf-id, h323-call-origin attributes, but didn't succeed.
> Cisco AS5300 configuration:
> aaa pod server auth-type any server-key xxx
> Following is the debug output:
> #debug aaa pod
> #AAA POD packet processing debugging is on
> #ter mon
> #
> Apr  8 00:23:47.933: POD: x.x.x.x request queued
> Apr  8 00:23:47.933: POD: x.x.x.x user 37255740 sessid 0x0 key  
> 0x0
> Apr  8 00:23:47.933: POD:      Line     User     IDB          Session  
> Id Key
> Apr  8 00:23:47.933: POD: Sending NAK to x.x.x.x/50158
> #
> Cisco IOS version is :
> Cisco Internetwork Operating System SoftwareIOS (tm) 5300 Software  
> (C5300-IS-M), Experimental Version 12.2(20020211:190758)
> Debug log says request queued and sends NAK. What should I do? Can  
> somebody give me an advice/recommendation?
> Is there any solution?
> I looked through Cisco web site and didn't find the solution.
> If POD doesn't work, is there any other way I can kill the particular  
> VoIP call on Cisco AS5300?
> I hope somebody in this list can help me to solve this problem.
> thanks in advance,
> Ganbold
> --
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