(RADIATOR) Group checking *only* with AuthBy UNIX?

Ray Van Dolson rayvd at corp.digitalpath.net
Thu Jun 16 19:23:53 CDT 2005

Hope this isn't a repost.  My original didn't appear on the list so am

Got things to work how I want.  Here's how I'm doing it:

1. Match on Realm and NAS-IP-Address in Handler
2. Call PreAuthHook.  This hook temporarily strips the real from the username,
   checks for the user in the Unix password file and gets the associated group
   out and adds it to the Access-Request packet as "Unix-Group"
3. Authenticate against the file digitalpath.speeds
4. This file matches on the Unix-Group set above and adds the Ascend rate
   shaping attributes on a per-group basis.  It also uses the Auth-Type check
   attribute to call the AuthType block with the DigiAuth Identifier.
5. AuthBy FILE with Identifier of DigiAuth authenticates against a file with
   username and password combos (could also contain our Framed-IP-Addresses).
   The AuthBy block also handles adding our MPPE Keys, MPPE Encryption policy
   and the interim interval settings.

So we're not really authenticating against the Unix PW file, just using it for
group membership tests which then are used to select the appropriate speed
plan and still authenticate using plain text for MSCHAPv2.

Still need to add some error checking for a default group (if the user's Unix
account is a member of a group I don't check for) or if the user doesn't exist
in the Unix password file.

But for now it does what I want.  Hope someone out there finds this mildy

Excerpt from radius.cfg:

<AuthBy FILE>
        Identifier	DigiAuth
        # For testing only.
        AutoMPPEKeys	yes
        AddToReply	MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy=Encryption-Required,Acct-Interim-Interval=300
        Filename	%D/digitalpath.users

# Authentication Requests
<Handler Realm=domain.net,NAS-IP-Address=XXX.XXX.XX.X>
        PreAuthHook file:"%D/hooks/digitalpath_get_unix_group.pl"

        <AuthBy FILE>
                # For testing only.
                Filename        %D/digitalpath.speeds

        # Pass the reason for rejection back to the customer.


sub {
  # Setup local variables.
  my $name;
  my $passwd;
  my $uid;
  my $gid;
  my $quota;
  my $comment;
  my $gcos;
  my $dir;
  my $shell;
  my $expire;

  # Retrieve the packet.
  my $p = ${$_[0]};

  # Retrive the request type.
  my $code = $p->code();

  if ($code eq 'Access-Request') {
    my $group = $p->get_attr('Unix-Group');
    if (!defined($group)) {
      # Retrieve the username.
      my $username = $p->get_attr('User-Name');
      # Strip realm.
      $username =~ s/^([^@]+).*/$1/;

      # Does the username even exist?
      if (($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell, $expire) = getpwnam($username)) {
        my $local_group = getgrgid($gid);
        $p->add_attr('Unix-Group', $local_group);
        &main::log($main::LOG_DEBUG, "PreAuthHook: Unix-Group resolved to $local_group");


# Basic Account - 384Kbps / 128Kbps
DEFAULT Auth-Type = DigiAuth, Unix-Group = wirmcb
        Ascend-Data-Rate = 384000,
        Ascend-Xmit-Rate = 128000
# Express - 2Mbps / 1Mbps
DEFAULT Auth-Type = DigiAuth, Unix-Group = wirmcexp
        Ascend-Data-Rate = 2000000,
        Ascend-Xmit-Rate = 1000000
# Excel - 1Mbps / 384Kbps 
DEFAULT Auth-Type = DigiAuth, Unix-Group = wirmcexc
        Ascend-Data-Rate = 1000000,
        Ascend-Xmit-Rate = 384000
# Comp Relay Customer
DEFAULT Auth-Type = DigiAuth, Unix-Group = wirccrc 
        Ascend-Data-Rate = 4000000,
        Ascend-Xmit-Rate = 2000000


username at domain.net		Password = "password"

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