(RADIATOR) Feature request

Toomas Kärner tomkar at estpak.ee
Tue Dec 6 07:18:40 CST 2005


I got an idea for a small feature. There could be a keyword defined in
AuthGeneric.pm that causes different AuthBy clauses to overwrite same
parameter if it already exists in the reply instead add.
    Inserts Session-Timeout 900 into reply
    Inserts Session-Timeout 1800 into reply.
Right now the reply will end up with the same parameter twice in it:
Session-Timeout 900
Session-Timeout 1800
and that makes no sense in some cases.
But if that new keyword (OverwriteAttributesThatExist for example) is set
then it would cause radiator to "change_attr if exists" instead of just
"add_attr" and the endresult would just be:
Session-Timeout 1800.

What you think? I could probably code it myself but then I wouldn't have
standard code anymore.

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