(RADIATOR) Timeout problems with <AuthBy SQL> and Postgres on Debian Sarge

Thomas Kaehn tk at westend.com
Fri Aug 26 03:14:33 CDT 2005


when using Radiator and <AuthBy SQL> with Postgres on Debian
Sarge the "Timeout" setting does not have any effect. It always take
a little bit more than three minutes for a failing SQL connect to
time out.

The following software versions are involved:

- Radiator	3.12
- Debian	3.1 Sarge
- Perl		5.8.4
- DBD::Pg	1.41

In contrast to this a connect to a failed MySQL database always
times out as specified in Radiator's configuration. Under Debian
Woody everything works as expected with both MySQL and Postgres, too.

Has anyone seen similar Problems? Is there maybe already a solution?
If you need more information please ask.

Thomas Kähn                   WESTEND GmbH  |  Internet-Business-Provider
Technik                       CISCO Systems Partner - Authorized Reseller
                              Lütticher Straße 10      Tel 0241/701333-11
tk at westend.com                D-52064 Aachen              Fax 0241/911879

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