(RADIATOR) proxy requests to a new server

Urban Edlund urban.edlund at staff.spray.se
Wed Aug 24 07:22:10 CDT 2005


What I'm doing is trying to merge two radius systems into one. Since 
the two configurations both have many handlers which is difficult to overview ,was I 
woundering if there is a way to feed the new server with real traffic so I
can start from scratch building a new configuration to support both system.

Perhaps <AuthBy Radius> or <AuthBy Radsec> ? 


* Hugh Irvine <hugh at open.com.au> [2005-08-24 21:11:20 +1000]:

> Hello Urban -
> I'm sorry but I don't understand the question.
> Usually you would set up your new server in a lab environment and  
> test it with the "radpwtst" utility to begin with, then test it with  
> a test NAS. Once you are happy that it is working as you want it to  
> you should change one of your production NAS devices to point to the  
> new Radiator setup to make sure that it is working properly. If you  
> have problems you can simply change the NAS to point to the old  
> setup. Once you have the new Radiator configuration working properly  
> you can configure the rest of your NAS equipment to use it.
> hope that helps
> regards
> Hugh

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