(RADIATOR) How To Log To A MySQL-database [Public]

Miedema, Hugo Hugo.Miedema at Getronics.com
Fri Apr 29 03:12:02 CDT 2005

I'm quite new on Radiator.

I'm facing a problem I can't solve. I have Radiator 3.12 running on
FreeBSD and MySQL-database.

To create the right database and tables I used the
'mysqlCreate.sql'-script from the goodies-directory. Now I want to write
logging to the database.


When I use the 'radpwtst'-tool, logging goes to the MySQL-database.

When I try to authenticate through a pc, no logging comes into the


The radiator-configfile:


# radius.cfg




LogDir          /var/log/radius

DbDir           /etc/radiator

LogFile         %L/%Y-%m-radius.log

Trace           4


AuthPort        1812

AcctPort        1813



        Secret  mysecret

        DupInterval 0

        IdenticalClients localhost

        Identifier Cisco-switches



<Log SQL>

        Identifier LogSQL

        DBSource       dbi:mysql:dekey

        DBUsername     radiator

        DBAuth         de_key


# for some unknown reason the LogSuccess and LogFailure results in a
error ....


#        LogSuccess

#        SuccessQuery insert into RADLOG (TIME_STAMP, USERNAME, TYPE)
values (%G, '%n', 1)

#        LogFailure

#        FailureQuery insert into RADLOG (TIME_STAMP, USERNAME, TYPE,
REASON) values (%G, '%n', 0, %1)

#        Trace 1

        insert into %3 (TIME_STAMP, USERNAME, TYPE) values (%G, '%n', 1)

        Trace 1



<AuthLog SQL>

        # This database spec usually should be exactly the same

        # as in <AuthBy RADMIN> above

        Identifier AuthLogSQL

        DBSource        dbi:mysql:dekey:localhost

        DBUsername      radiator

        DBAuth          de_key


# for some unknown reason the LogSuccess and LogFailure results in a
error ....


#        LogSuccess

#        SuccessQuery insert into RADAUTHLOG (TIME_STAMP, USERNAME,
TYPE) values (%G, '%n', 1)

#        LogFailure

#        FailureQuery insert into RADAUTHLOG (TIME_STAMP, USERNAME,
TYPE, REASON) values (%G, '%n', 0, %1)

        insert into RADAUTHLOG (TIME_STAMP, USERNAME, TYPE) values (%G,
'%n', 1)




<Handler Realm=xeon.com>

        RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

        <AuthBy FILE>

                EAPType MD5-Challenge

                Filename %D/users

                StripFromReply Tunnel-Type, Tunnel-Medium-Type,

                AddToReply Tunnel-Type=VLAN,
Tunnel-Medium-Type=Ether_802, Tunnel-Private-Group-ID=100





<Handler Realm=klopjacht.com>

        <AuthBy FILE>

                Log LogSQL

                RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

                EAPType MD5-Challenge

                Filename %D/users

                StripFromReply Tunnel-Type, Tunnel-Medium-Type,

                AddToReply Tunnel-Type=VLAN,
Tunnel-Medium-Type=Ether_802, Tunnel-Private-Group-ID=200




<Handler Realm=tv.nl>

        <AuthBy FILE>

#               Log LogSQL

                RewriteUsername s/^([^@]+).*/$1/

                EAPType MD5-Challenge

                Filename %D/users

                StripFromReply Tunnel-Type, Tunnel-Medium-Type,

                AddToReply Tunnel-Type=VLAN,
Tunnel-Medium-Type=Ether_802, Tunnel-Private-Group-ID=100




<AuthBy SQL>

        Identifier LOKALE-ACCOUNTING

        DBSource        dbi:mysql:dekey

        DBUsername      radiator

        DBAuth          de_key


        AccountingTable ACCOUNTING

        AcctColumnDef USERNAME,User-Name

        AcctColumnDef TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer-date

        AcctColumnDef ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type

        AcctColumnDef ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer

        AcctColumnDef ACCTINPUTOCT,Acct-Input-Octets,integer

        AcctColumnDef ACCTOUTPUTOCT,Acct-Output-Octets,integer

        AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id

        AcctColumnDef ACCTSESSTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer

        AcctColumnDef ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause

        AcctColumnDef NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier

        AcctColumnDef NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer

        AcctColumnDef NASIPADDRESS,NAS-IP-Address

        AcctColumnDef CALLEDSTATIONID,Called-Station-Id

        AcctColumnDef CALLINGSTATIONID,Calling-Station-Id





        Identifier SURFNET-RADIUS       


        Host some.host.on.the.internet.org

        AuthPort 1812

        AcctPort 1813




        AddToReply Tunnel-Type=VLAN, Tunnel-Medium-Type=Ether_802,




<Handler Realm="/.+\..{2,3}$/", EAP-Message="/.+/">




<Handler Realm="/.+\..{2,3}$/", Request-Type=Accounting-Request>

        <AuthBy GROUP>

                AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept

                AuthBy LOKALE-ACCOUNTING

                AuthBy SURFNET-RADIUS




And this is the database:

mysql> show tables;


| Tables_in_dekey      |


| ACCOUNTING           |

| RADAUTHLOG           |


| RADLASTAUTH          |

| RADLOG               |

| RADONLINE            |

| RADPOOL              |

| RADSQLRADIUS         |


| RADSTATSLOG          |

| SUBSCRIBERS          |

| TBL_VASCODP          |



mysql> show columns from RADLOG;


| Field      | Type      | Null | Key | Default | Extra |


| TIME_STAMP | int(11)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

| PRIORITY   | int(11)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

| MESSAGE    | char(200) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |



mysql> select * from RADLOG

    -> ;




|          0 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 131                  |

|          0 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 131                  |

|          0 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 131                  |

| 1113921818 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 131                  |

| 1113987174 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 57                   |

| 1113987867 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 57                   |

| 1114172136 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 57                   |

| 1114172388 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'InsertQuery' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 57              |

| 1114172657 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'AddQuery' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 57                 |

| 1114180143 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'LogSuccess' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 57               |

| 1114180143 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'SuccessQuery' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 58             |

| 1114180143 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'LogFailure' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 59               |

| 1114180143 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'FailureQuery' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 60             |

| 1114423144 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'LogSuccess' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 57               |

| 1114423144 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'SuccessQuery' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 58             |

| 1114423144 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'LogFailure' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 59               |

| 1114423144 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'FailureQuery' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 60             |

| 1114423309 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'LogSuccess' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 57               |

| 1114423309 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'SuccessQuery' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 58             |

| 1114423309 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'LogFailure' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 59               |

| 1114423309 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'FailureQuery' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 60             |

| 1114423541 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 62                   |

| 1114423541 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 78                   |

| 1114517115 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 62                   |

| 1114517115 |        0 | Unknown keyword 'insert' in
/etc/radiator/radius.cfg line 78                   |

| 1114517622 |        1 | Could not find a handler for fred: request is
ignored                          |

| 1114517627 |        1 | Could not find a handler for fred: request is
ignored                          |

| 1114517632 |        1 | Could not find a handler for fred: request is
ignored                          |

| 1114517872 |        1 | Could not find a handler for
customer at guest.nl: request is ignored             |



My questions:


How can I get the TIME_STAMP in another format (e.g. Apr 04 2005 14:23)

How can I get logging and accounting to the Database?


I have studied the goodies directory, but that was no help to me. Can
someone please provide me a working config?




Hugo Miedema


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