(RADIATOR) add attr

Tech radiator at tcrholdings.com
Tue Sep 14 00:38:49 CDT 2004

Hi ,
I am trying to add attributes, if a request is received from either of  
2  nas. as all other access requests come from a lot of other nas that 
do not require  the  added attributes. I am trying to do this by way of  
both a PreAuthHook and  ReplyHook  with no luck

I am also sending the hook file,


Any help thanks

# -*- mode: Perl -*-
my $p = ${$_[0]};

my $code = $p->code;
#my $nas = $p->get_attr('NAS-IP-Address');
my $nas = $p->get_attr('NASIDENTIFIER');

if ($code eq 'Access-Request' && $nas eq ('',''))
$p->add_attr('Ascend-Data-Filter',"ip in drop dstip x.x.x.0/24 tcp 
$p->add_attr('Ascend-Data-Filter',"ip in drop dstip x.x.x.0/24 tcp 
$p->add_attr('Ascend-Data-Filter',"ip in drop dstip x.x.x.0/24 tcp 
$p->add_attr('Ascend-Data-Filter',"ip in drop dstip x.x.x.0/24 tcp 
$p->add_attr('Ascend-Data-Filter',"ip in forward");
$p->add_attr('Ascend-Data-Filter',"ip out forward);
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