(RADIATOR) Odd Issue

Derek Buttineau | Compu-SOLVE derek at csolve.net
Fri Nov 19 07:36:49 CST 2004

Good Day,

Just recently upgraded our Radiator install to 3.11, since then about 
once a day RestartWrapper is reporting that the process dies with the 
following error:

Your program

   /usr/local/bin/radiusd -config_file /usr/local/etc/raddb/radius.cfg -pid_file=/var/run/radius.pid -foreground

exited unexpectedly with exit status 255, 
signal number 0 and dump indication 0. 

The STDERR output was Undefined subroutine &Radius::MSCHAP::ASCIItoUnicode called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Radius/AuthGeneric.pm line 465.

The program will be restarted again by /usr/local/bin/restartWrapper in 2 seconds.

This mail message was automatically generated by restartWrapper,
part of the OSC Radiator package.

I took a look at the line in question and everything seems in place, and 
after it restarts it's completely fine until the next day at about the 
same time.  Just an odd problem and curious if anyone has experienced 
it, or perhaps knows how to resolve it.


Derek Buttineau
Internet Systems Developer
Compu-SOLVE Internet Services
Compu-SOLVE Technologies Inc.

705.725.1212 x255

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