(RADIATOR) Feature Request: <AuthBy IMAPS>

Karl Gaissmaier karl.gaissmaier at kiz.uni-ulm.de
Fri Nov 12 18:08:27 CST 2004

Hi Mike and all other radiator lovers,

Karl Gaissmaier schrieb:

> I'll send you, until the end of 2004 (hopefully), a
> new AuthByIMAP and AuthByPOP3 with SSL support without
> overriding the handle_request().

christmas time, jingle bell

here is the AuthIMAP2 with SSL support.

Mike, Hugh and other perl hackers please review this
small piece of software if you find time.

Questions and corrections about he implementation welcome.

When you accept this modul, AuthPOP3(2) will
be very easy, nearly just a one2one replacement
of the underlying email client CPAN modul.

Best regards
Karl Gaissmaier       KIZ/Infrastructure, University of Ulm, Germany
Email:karl.gaissmaier at kiz.uni-ulm.de           Service Group Network
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